I Support Land Conservation
Discover the ways you can support Bayou Land Conservancy's mission of preserving land along streams for flood control, clean water, and wildlife.
Looking for other ways to give?

Bayou Land Conservancy is happy to announce that we have been selected as a recipient of the Buffalo Exchange Tokens for Bags® program from July through December 2021. You can now donate to Bayou Land Conservancy just by shopping at Buffalo Exchange Shepherd Montrose. Instead of a plastic bag, the Tokens for Bags® program offers every customer who makes a purchase one “token” valued at five cents (the cost to produce a bag) to donate to one of several local charities selected by the store. The program has generated over $857,745 for hundreds of local nonprofit organizations since 1994 and has saved over 17.1 million plastic bags from the landfill.
Shop local and support the local environment all at once. We’re excited to announce a new fundraising partnership with EarthShare of Texas and AnthepLife, a handmade apparel company based in Texas. AnthepLife will contribute 10% of its holiday profits to EarthShare of Texas and its participating organizations (including us). EarthShare of Texas is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit federation, raising and distributing funds to qualifying member charities.
Check out AnthepLife and start shopping by clicking this link: https://www.antheplife.com/
Thank you EarthShare of Texas and Antheplife!